Ders Programı

Güz Dönemi (1.yarıyıl) Saatler Kredi Grup Bahar Dönemi (2.yarıyıl) Saatler Kredi Grup
MATH 1111 Calculus I 3+0+2 4 7 S MATH 1112 Calculus II 3+0+2 4 7 S
PHYS 101 General Physics I 3+0+0 3 5 S PHYS 102 General Physics II 3+0+0 3 5 S
IT 101 Introduction to Computing 2+0+2 3 5 S PHYS 104 Physics Lab II 0+0+2 1 2 D1
PHYS 103 Physics Lab I 0+0+2 1 2 D1 CSE 101 Introduction to Programming 3+0+2 4 7 D1
ECO 101 Introduction to Economics I 3+0+0 3 6 SS MATH 2103 Discrete Mathematics 3+1+2 3 4 D1
ENG 101 Academic English Skills I 3+0+0 3 5 L ENG 102 Academic English Skills II 3+0+0 3 5 L
dönem kredileri 17 30 dönem kredileri 18 30
Güz Dönemi (3.yarıyıl) Saatler Kredi Grup Bahar Dönemi (2.yarıyıl) Saatler Kredi Grup
MATH 2105 Calculus III 3+0+2 4 7 D1 MATH 214 Introduction to Mathematical Analysis 3+0+0 3 6 D1
MATH 2104 Linear Algebra 3+0+0 3 5 S MATH 2107 Differential Equations 3+0+2 4 7 D1
MATH 2201 Probability 3+1+0 3 5 D1 MATH 2203 Statistics I 3+0+0 3 5 D1
CSE 203 Object Oriented Programming with Java 2+0+2 3 5 D1 MATH 2108 Complex Analysis I 3+0+2 4 7 D1
TUR 101 Turkish I 2+0+0 2 2 H HIST 102 Hist. of Turkish Republic II 2+0+0 2 2 H
HIST 101 Hist. of Turkish Republic I 2+0+0 2 2 H TUR 102 Turkish II 2+0+0 2 2 H
dönem kredileri 17 26 sem.credits 18 29
Güz Dönemi (5.yarıyıl) Saatler Kredi Grup Bahar Dönemi (6.yarıyıl) Saatler Kredi Grup
MATH 3109 Partial Differential Equations 3+0+0 3 7 D1 MATH 324 Methods of Applied Mathematics I 3+0+0 3 7 D1
MATH 3115 Differential Geometry 3+0+0 3 8 D1 MATH 2110 Numeric Methods 3+0+0 3 5 D1
MATH 3108 Introduction To Real Analysis 3+0+0 3 8 D1 MATH 3113 Functional Analysis 3+0+0 3 8 D1
Complementary Elective 3+0+0 3 5 C Departmental Elective 3+0+0 3 7 D2
HSS Elective 3+0+0 3 5 H Complementary Elective 3+0+0 3 5 C
dönem kredileri 15 33 dönem kredileri 15 32
Güz Dönemi (7.yarıyıl) Saatler Kredi Grup Bahar Dönemi (8.yarıyıl) Saatler Kredi Grup
MATH 4116 Introduction to Modern Algebra 3+0+0 3 8 D1 MATH 464 Introduction to Topology 3+0+0 3 8 D1
Departmental Elective 3+0+0 3 7 D2 Departmental Elective 3+0+0 3 7 D2
Complementary Elective 3+0+0 3 5 C Complementary Elective 3+0+0 3 5 C
Free Elective 3+0+0 3 5 F Free Elective 3+0+0 3 5 F
HSS Elective 3+0+0 3 5 H HSS Elective 3+0+0 3 5 H
dönem kredileri 15 30 dönem kredileri 15 30

(D1+D2)/130 = 62/130= %48

GÜZ Saatler Kredi
MATH 313 Complex Analysis II 3+0+0 3
MATH 323 Calculus of Variations 3+0+0 3
MATH 343 Advanced Linear Algebra 3+0+0 3
MATH 425 Methods of Applied Mathematics II 3+0+0 3
MATH 427 Advanced Numerical Methods 3+0+0 3
IT 213 Internet and Web Programming 2+0+2 3
CSE 415 Theory of Computation 3+0+0 3
BAHAR SaaTler Kredi
MATH 322 Special Functions 3+0+0 3
ECO 330 Game Theory 3+0+0 3
MATH 426 Mathematical Modelling 3+0+0 3
MATH 428 Numerical Linear Algebra 3+0+0 3
IE 306 Fundamentals of Operations Research 3+0+0 3
CSE 304 Principles of Programming Languages 3+0+0 3
CSE 320 Databases and Applications 3+0+0

C Complementary courses ( 12 Credits)

Any course from Faculty of Arts and Sciences and Faculty of Engineering (3 credit course)

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