Social Responsibility Projects

Social Responsibility Projects

Being aware of the globalization of environmental and social concerns, Işık University encourages students to create and implement social responsibility projects in cooperation with non-governmental organizations in order to spread awareness in social responsibility. As one of the pioneers in commencing social responsibility course programs, Işık University aims to help develop a more sensitive society for a sustainable world.

Apart from social responsibility course programs, Işık University's Social Responsibility Projects Club forms a common platform for student groups to carry out voluntary work. BATI'DAN DOĞU'YA IŞIKLIYIZ(1) and Koruncuk Foundation Project(2) are only two examples that are implemented by voluntary student participation.

Işık University aims for every student to take part in one of the social responsibility projects before graduation because the university sees such projects as valuable tools in raising awareness of responsibility toward the society and in producing individuals who are useful to society and capable of team work that requires them to create solutions without complaint.

Işık University students, employees, and graduates who have taken voluntary part in social responsibility projects implemented by the university in various fields acquire an experience that will leave a mark on them for the rest of their lives.

  1. A social responsibility project that aims to provide material and moral support for the Eastern villages in Türkiye.
  2. Another social responsibility project implemented in cooperation with the Koruncuk Foundation. The foundation aims to help children in need of moral and material support.

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