1 | Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. | MATH 101,102; CHEM101; PHYS 101,102; MATH 200,220; ME266 |
Exams, Homework, Quiz, ALES, (FE , GRE, ??) |
Every year. At graduation. |
In class (keep one per course (Best, Median, Worst) (Should be kept by Campus Online) Discuss CAR &CE in Dept. Board and dev. measures. |
Instructor, Campus Ol. dept. head ? |
2 | Apply basic Industrial Engineering & Operations Research concepts, algorithms, solutions and implementations. | IE242,256 ,301,302,303 ,312,321,334 ,351,402,403 ,412,413,422 ,481,IE484 ENGG100 |
Exams, Homework, Quiz, Project Grades.(presentation)Course Assessment Reports.(CAR)Course Evaluations.(CE)Exit survey. |
Every Year. At graduation. |
In class (keep one per course (Best, Median, Worst) (Should be kept by Campus Online)Discuss CAR &CE in Dept. Board and dev. measures. | Instructor, Campus Ol. dept. head ? |
3 | Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. | MATH230 IE256,303,351 |
Exams, Homework, Quiz, Project Grades.(presentation)Course Assessment Reports.(CAR)Course Evaluations.(CE)Exit survey. |
Every Year.
At graduation. |
In class (keep one per course (Best, Median, Worst) (Should be kept by Campus Online) Discuss CAR &CE in Dept. Board and dev. measures. |
Instructor, Campus Ol. dept. head ? |
4 | Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability and sustainability. | HSS100 ECO 101,102 ME266 IE242,256,301,302,303 MAN311 IE312,321,334,402,403 HSS Electives |
Exams, Homework, Quiz, Project Grades. |
Every Year.
At graduation. |
In class (keep one per course (Best, Median, Worst) (Should be kept by Campus Online) Discuss CAR &CE in Dept. Board and dev. measures. |
Instructor, Campus Ol.
dept. head ? |
5 | Identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. | CHEM101,ME266 IE256,301,302,303, 402,403 |
Exams, Homework, Quiz, Project Grades. |
Every Year.
At graduation. |
In class (keep one per course (Best, Median, Worst) (Should be kept by Campus Online) Discuss CAR &CE in Dept. Board and dev. measures. |
Instructor, Campus Ol. dept. head ? |
6 | Determine and implement the appropriate modeling approach for problem solution. | IE242,256,301,302,303, 312,334,351,402,403,412, 413,422, 481,484,490 |
Exams, Homework, Quiz, Project Grades. |
Every Year. At graduation. |
In class (keep one per course (Best, Median, Worst) (Should be kept by Campus Online) Discuss CAR &CE in Dept. Board and dev. measures. |
Instructor, Campus Ol. dept. head ? |
7 | Apply information technologies to the practice of industrial engineering. | IT101, CSE101, CSE203 IE484 |
Exams, Homework, Quiz, Project Grades. |
Every Year. At graduation. |
In class (keep one per course (Best, Median, Worst) (Should be kept by Campus Online) Discuss CAR &CE in Dept. Board and dev. measures. |
Instructor, Campus Ol. dept. head ? |
8 | Develop algorithm specific computer programs of the proposed solutions. | IT101,CSE101,CSE203 IE301,302,402,403,484 |
Exams, Homework, Quiz, Project Grades. |
Every Year. At graduation. |
In class (keep one per course (Best, Median, Worst) (Should be kept by Campus Online) Discuss CAR &CE in Dept. Board and dev. measures. |
Instructor, Campus Ol. dept. head ? |
9 | Know how to use spreadsheet programs, simulation, optimization and statistical software packages to analyze industrial engineering problems. | IT101, IE256,301,302,303 351,403,484 |
Exams, Homework, Quiz, Project Grades. |
Every Year. At graduation. |
In class (keep one per course (Best, Median, Worst) (Should be kept by Campus Online) Discuss CAR &CE in Dept. Board and dev. measures. |
Instructor, Campus Ol. dept. head ? |
10 | Communicate effectively with team members and clients through both oral and written means and work ethic. | IE 403, 490 Term Projes of courses HSS100 |
Exams, Homework, Quiz, Project Grades. |
Every Year. At graduation. |
In class (keep one per course (Best, Median, Worst) (Should be kept by Campus Online) Discuss CAR &CE in Dept. Board and dev. measures. |
Instructor, Campus Ol. dept. head ? |
11 | Continue to develop in the field. | IE 403, 490 |
Exams, Homework, Quiz, Project Grades. |
Every Year. At graduation. |
In class (keep one per course (Best, Median, Worst) (Should be kept by Campus Online) Discuss CAR &CE in Dept. Board and dev. measures. |
Instructor, Campus Ol. dept. head ? |