Course Contents

Course Code Course Name Credit
ME 120 Engineering Graphics (1+0+4) 3
Principles of Engineering drawing, lettering, dimensioning and tolerancing, orthographic drawing, pictorial and sectional views. Introduction to computer aided drafting.
AUE 241 Engineering Mechanics I (3+0+0) 3
Fundamental concepts of mechanics: vector operations, forces and couples, free body diagrams, equilibrium. Friction. Distributed forces. Normal and shear forces and moment diagrams. Mechanics of deformable bodies: stress/ strain, generalized Hooke's law. Engineering applications: axial loads, torsion of circular rods, bending and shear stresses in beams, deflection of beams. Combined stress due to bending, torsion, shear and axial load. Mohr circle. Design of beams and shafts for strength. Statically indeterminate problems. Introduction to energy methods. Buckling of columns. Prerequisite: PHYS 101
ME 211 Materials Science (3+0+0) 3
Materials and properties. Atomic bonding and arrangement. Structural imperfections. Atom movements. Elastic and viscoelastic deformation of materials. Equilibrium diagrams. Metals and their properties. Modification of properties of materials through changes in structure. Organic materials and their properties.
ME 201 Computational Methods in Engineering (2+0+2) 3
Methods leading to design and simulation. Basic computer simulation software packages; MATLAB for signal processing and control; SIMULİNK and similar packages for simulation. Numerical methods .
AUE 242 Engineering Mechanics II (3+0+0) 3
Dynamics of particles: Rectilinear and curvilinear motion, Newton's laws, momentum and angular momentum methods. Work and energy. Dynamics of rigid bodies; kinematics, Euler's Laws, angular momentum. Work and energy methods for rigid bodies. Vibration. Prerequisite: AUE 241
ME 265 Fundamentals of Thermal Sciences (3+0+0) 3
Basic concepts and definitions in thermodynamics. Application of the first and second law to closed and open systems. Property tables. Thermodynamics of mixtures. Power Cycles. Basic principles of heat transfer. Conduction, convection, radiation. Application examples of thermodynamic and heat transfer for the design and analysis of automative and mechatronic systems.
ME 301 Measurement and Instrumentation (1+0+4) 3
Principles and methods of measurement, instrumentation and experimentation. Basic sensing devices, and fundamental engineering measurements, experiment planning, data analysis, report writing. Performing and reporting on experiments chosen to illustrate a variety of important experimental methods while familiarizing with basic instrumentation. Prerequisites: PHYS 102, Corequisite: EE 225.
AUE 324 Machine Elements (3+1+0) 3
Review of mechanical engineering design principles: Load analysis, materials; deflections and stability; stress analysis; stress concentrations, failure criteria for of ductile and brittle materials, fatigue, impact. Basic kinematic analysis of mechanisms such as four bar Linkages and cams. Analysis, design and selection of various machine elements: Shafts, keys, couplings, bearings, gears, springs, fasteners, screws, weldments, cluches and brakes.
AUE 353 Fluid Mechanics (3+0+0) 3
Fundamental principles of fluid mechanics and their application to engineering problems. Fluid statics. Fluid flow concepts. Control-volume analysis. Conservation equations and applications. Dimensional analysis and similitude. Flow of viscous fluids, simple laminar flow systems, turbulence, internal and external flow applications.
EE 339 Electric and Electronics for Automotive Engineering (3+0+0) 3
Principle and construction of batteries. Principle and construction of starter motor. Generation of direct current. Voltage & current regulators. Types, construction & working of battery coil and magneto ignition systems. Advance mechanisms, Types and construction of spark plugs, electronic ignition system. Details of head light & side light. Electrical fuel-pump, Speedometer, Fuel, oil & temperature gauges, Horn, Wiper system etc.. Current trends in modern automoblies, components for electronic engine and vehicle management. Fuel injection systems, injection system controls, electronic ignition systems.
AUE 325 Manufacturing Processes and & Automotive Production (3+0+0) 3
Basic manufacturing processes: casting, welding, plastic forming, sheet metal forming, machining, powder metallurgy, etc. Production techniques used in automotive industry, applications specific to automotive industry. Manufacturing lines, case studies, design of automotive parts considering manufacturability, installation and maintenance. Quality management and quality assurance
ME 336 Modeling and Control of Dynamic Systems  (3+1+0)3
Introduction to automatic control. Modeling of dynamic systems. Response analysis using Laplace transform method. Transfer functions and block diagrams. Feedback control systems. Typical actuators and transducers. Control Laws. Tuning methods of PID control. Root-Locus analysis. Frequency response analysis. Prerequisite: MATH 220
AUE 302 Automotive Engineering Laboratory (1+0+2) 2
Engine tests and performance analysis. Engine tune-up using programmable engine management system. Gasoline and diesel engine emission measurement and control. Computer-aided vehicle diagnosis. Emission and fuel consumption tests. Practical investigations on vehicle and mechanical designs exercises Prerequisite: ME 301
AUE 326 Engines and Combustion (3+0+0) 3
Engine types and operating principles. Gasoline and Diesel engines. 4-stroke and 2-stroke engines. Ideal models of engine cycles and thermal efficiency. Fuels, combustion in gasoline and diesel engines. Actual cycle times (intake, compression, combustion and expansion, the exhaust). Fuel systems and air-fuel mixtures. Waste generation and control. Engine characteristics. Engine friction and lubrication. New technologies, alternative fuels.Engine types and operating principles. Gasoline and Diesel engines. 4-stroke and 2-stroke engines. Ideal models of engine cycles and thermal efficiency. Fuels, combustion in gasoline and diesel engines. Actual cycle times (intake, compression, combustion and expansion, the exhaust). Fuel systems and air-fuel mixtures. Waste generation and control. Engine characteristics. Engine friction and lubrication. New technologies, alternative fuels.
AUE 328 Power Transmission Systems  (3+0+0) 3
Drive chain components on road vehicles: function, construction and dimensioning. Types of clutches and working principles. Speed and moment modifiers and types of construction. Gearboxes, hydrodynamic exchangers. Automatic torque modifiers and types of construction. Axles and joints. Alternative drive systems.
ME346 Machine Theory (3+0+0) 3
Mechanisms. Element pairs. Kinematic chains. Kinematic analysis and synthesis of planar mechanisms. Dynamics of machines. Force analysis of machines. Mass balancing on machines. Undamped, damped and forced vibrations in single degree freedom systems. Vibration measurement. Vibration control and isolation.
AUE 421 CAD and Vehicle Design (3+0+0) 3
CIntroduction to CAD, CAM, CIM. Integration of CAD-CAM-CNC. Design applications. Design of chassis and power transmission system components. Brake systems: air and hydraulic brakes, disc and drum brakes. Pneumatic tires, wheels, wheel hubs, dampers, springs, wheel suspension arrangements. Steering systems. Vehicle vibration and acoustics. Design of vehicles for vibration and noise control.
AUE322 Vehicle Dynamics (3+0+0) 3
Vehicle Dynamics Models: Single Track and Double Track Vehicle Models. Tire Dynamics: Longitudinal and Lateral Tire Forces, Tire Side Slip Angle, Tire Longitudinal Slip Ratio. Tire Models: Linear Tire Model, Dugoff, Burckhardt, LuGre and Pacejka Tire Models. Aeorodynamics. Rolling Resistance. Suspensions. Roll Dynamics. Driveline Dynamics: Torque Converter, Transmission Dynamics, Engine Dynamics. Acceleration Performance. Braking Performance. Vehicle Vibrations. Steering System.
AUE 425 Mechatronics for Automotive Engineering (3+0+0) 3
Autonomous Vehicles. Drive-By-Wire, Steer-By-Wire and Brake-By-Wire Technologies. Intelligent Transportation Systems with Inter-Vehicle Communication. Electric Vehicles. Hybrid Electric Vehicles. Fuel Cell Vehicles. Lane Keeping Systems. Adaptive Cruise Control. Collision Avoidance. Anti-lock Brake Systems. Electronic Stability Control. Rollover Avoidance. Modeling and Control of SI and Diesel Engines. Design and Analysis of Passive, Active and Semi-Active Suspensions. Vehicle Electronic Control Unit (ECU). Vehicle CANBus. Driver Inattention/Fatigue Monitoring. Driver Warning and Driver Assistance Systems. Vehicle Simulators.
AUE 490 Project (0+0+8) 4
Design and development of a project for a automotive engineering problem under the supervision of an academic advisor; submission of the results in the form of a project report and oral presentation.
Elective Courses
CSE 342 Microprocessors (3+0+0) 3
Elements of microprocessor systems. Hardware and software analysis. Addressing techniques. Input/Output devices. Communication busses and links. Design of microprocessor based systems. Laboratory experiments and applications of microprocessor based systems and single board microcomputer systems: Arithmetic operations, loops, moving blocks of memory, stack and subroutines, parallel I/O, interrupts, timer operations. Prerequisite: EE 240 or IT 204
EE 444 Microcontroller Based System Design and Control (3+0+0) 3
Overview of microcontroller-based systems, including applications, architecture, number systems and languages. Process control, measuring and controlling thermal, electrical, mechanical, biomedical and chemical systems. Introduction to programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and applications. Prequisite: Consent of instructor
EE 302 Electromechanical Energy Conversion (3+0+0) 3
Energy types, energy conversion principles, electromechanical energy conversion. DC machines: equivalent circuits, operating characteristics, voltage control, starting and speed control. Transformers: equivalent circuits, operating principles, transformer tests. Induction motors and generators, step motors, linear motors, AC commutator motors.
MCE 452 Digital Control (3+0+0) 3
Basic concepts in numerical control and CNC machine tools; CNC machine programming and software design; Principles for computer control and digital sensor technology; Electrical motor drives for CNC machine tools. Prerequisites: EE 352 or ME 336
MCE 454 Industrial Automation (3+0+0) 3
Endüstriyel otomasyon sistemlerinin tanıtımı: sistem gereklerinin tanımlanması, ekipmanların entegrasyonu, motorlar, denetleyiciler ve sensörler. Otomasyon sistemlerinin kurulumu, bakımı ve test edilmesi.
ME 423 Machine Design II (3+0+0) 3
Continuation of Machine Design I. Analysis and design of machine elements such as spur, helical, bevel and worm gears; shafts and associated parts such as keys, pins, splines, couplings; clutches, brakes and flywheels; belts; chains; torque converters. Design project involving a mechanical component or device including all detail drawings, assembly drawings and cost analysis. Prerequisites:ME 324
ME 425 Mechanical Vibrations (3+0+0) 3
Free and forced vibrations of linear one degree of freedom systems. Vibration measurement. Systems with two or more degrees of freedom. Critical speeds. Modal analysis. Design for vibration suppression and control. Vibration measurement. Prerequisites: MATH 220, ME 242.
ME 429 Manufacturing Engineering (3+0+0) 3
Mechanics of Manufacturing Processes: Stress strain, Rolling, Forging, extrusion, bar drawing, sheet forming, Machining. Non-traditional Manufacturing Processes: Composites Manufacturing, Powder Metallurgy, Cleaning, /Surface Treatments, Coating, Non Traditional Machining, Rapid Prototyping, Micro/Nano Fabrication. Manufacturing Systems: Manufacturing Engineering, Group Tech. Flexible Manufacturing systems, Production Lines, Production Planning Control, Quality. Prerequisite: ME224 Design and Manufacturing
ME 436 Modern Control Theory (3+0+0) 3
Introduction to MIMO systems. State-space representation methods. State-space analysis of continuous time systems. Modal analysis, eigenvalues, eigenvectors. Free and forced solution methods of state-space models. State-space analysis of discrete time systems. Controllability and observability concepts. Pole placement methods by state variable feedback. Design of observers. Introduction to optimal control. Prerequisite: ME 336.
ME 455 Applied Fluid Mechanics (3+1+0) 3
Basic theory of turbomachinery; dimensionless parameters and similarity laws; performance characteristics of turbomachines. Fundamentals of aerodynamics; airfoil geometry; lift and drag characteristics of airfoils. Fundamentals of compressible flow; normal shock relations; oblique shock and expansion waves; numerical techniques for supersonic flow. Prerequisites: ME 353
ME 460 Energy Systems (3+0+0) 3
Energy awareness. Engineering economics and thermodynamics for use in analysis and understanding of energy consumption and production technologies which include: power plants, engines, renewables, residential heating, commercial energy usage, radioactivity, air/water/land pollution, environmental impacts and regulations in society. Prerequisites: ME 264

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