

Library Week Celebrated with Events

Işık University celebrated the 58th Library Week with events organized by the Işık University Information Center. As part of the celebrations, participants read their books in sunny weather accompanied by treats during the special event organized by the Information Center on Şile and Maslak campuses. The event, where the Information Center set up a stand and lent books to the readers, was attended by about 50 Işık students at the Şile and Maslak campuses.

In the second event organized by the Işık University Information Center during the 58th Library Week, they hosted the Dr. Vasıf Topçu Science High School at the Şile campus. The event, which took place in the auditorium and was attended by 350 high school students, featured two separate presentations: "From Past to Present: Information Recording Environments" and "The Magical World of Knowledge: Academic Libraries," which aimed to provide a closer look at academic libraries. After the presentations, the students toured the Işık University Library in groups to learn more.

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