

Işık University Rector Explaines Interdisciplinary Education Model to Işık People

Işık University Rector Prof. Dr. Hasan Bülent Kahraman participated in the online Career and Job Introduction Days organized by Erenköy Işık High School and Erenköy Işık Science High School. In the discussion titled "A Multifaceted Career Journey," Rector Kahraman shared with Işık students the significant turning points in his personal education, development, and career process, including his experiences with mathematics, engineering, art philosophy, and political science. The Rector emphasized the importance of interdisciplinary approaches in education and used examples to explain the significance of this approach to students. He said, "Today, the world's education system is moving in this direction. In my opinion, a person should be familiar with the richness of university thinking in various disciplines, and then, by testing themselves and discovering their talents, inclinations, and desires, they should focus on a specific field."

The Rector also emphasized that 40% of the current occupations would disappear in the next 10 years, and new occupations that do not exist today would emerge soon. He added, "We are in a period where the world is creating new needs within itself, and the only way to meet the needs of this period is through interdisciplinary education. We must provide an integrated, modular, and interdisciplinary education. You, who will work in the next 50 years of the 21st century, have no choice but to undergo a multi-disciplinary education. In this respect, I recommend that you always aim for multiple areas."

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