Research and Publications


Rabia Karakaya Polat (2018) "Religious Solidarity, Historical Mission and Moral Superiority: Construction of External and Internal 'Others' in AKP's Discourses on Syrian Refugees", Critical Discourse Studies, 15(5), pp: 500-516

Ödül Celep. (2018) "The Moderation of Türkiye's Kurdish Left: the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP)" Turkish Studies, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 723-747.

Ödül Celep (2018) "How Can Akşener's İyi Parti Contribute to Türkiye's Democracy?" Turkish Policy Quarterly, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 109-118.

Ödül Celep (2017) "Perspectives on Türkiye's 2017 Presidential Referendum", Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 67-75.

Karakaya Polat, Rabia, and Kayhan Pusane, Özlem. (2016) "Technology and Politics: Have the ICTs Turned into a Domain for Civil-Military Relations in Türkiye", South European Society and Politics, 21(3), pp: 301-318

Demiralp, Seda. (2015) "The rational Islamic actor? Evidence from Islamic banking," New Perspectives on Türkiye, 52, pp. 3-27.

Demiralp, Seda. (2015) In Bourgeoisie We Trust, But Which One? Islamism, development, and the 'Finance Curse', Journal of Emerging Economies and Islamic Research 3:1.

Polat, R. K. ve E. Çağlı (2014) "New Directions for Women's Political Development in Türkiye: Exploring the Implications of the Internet for Ka-der", Information Polity, 19 (3-4), pp. 179-194.

Ödül Celep (2014) "Can the Kurdish Left Contribute to Türkiye's Democratization?", Insight Türkiye, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 165-180.

Ödül Celep (2014) "The Political Causes of Party Closures in Türkiye", Parliamentary Affairs, Vol. 67, No. 2, pp. 371-390.

Polat, R. K. & L. Pratchett (2014) "Citizenship in the Age of the Internet: A Comparative Analysis of Britain and Türkiye", Citizenship Studies, 18(1), pp. 63-80, SSCI.

Rabia Karakaya Polat (2012) "Digital Exclusion in Türkiye: A Policy Perspective", Government Information Quarterly, 29(4): 589-596

Ödül Celep and Volkan Aytar (2012) "Is Spring Receding and Winter Lurking in?" [Dopo la Primavera Arriva L'inverno?] Equilibri, No. 1, pp. 117-125.

Seda Demiralp (2012) "White Turks, Black Turks? Faultlines beyond Islamism versus Secularism", Third World Quarterly, 33(3): 511-524

Seda Demiralp (2012) "The Odd Tango of the Islamic Right and the Kurdish Left in Türkiye," Middle Eastern Studies, 48:4, pp. 287-302

Elif Çağlı (2011) "Sports and Physical Education as an Instrument to Build Ideal Woman in Türkiye", Toplumsal Tarih, December 2011, 64-71.

Ödül Celep (2011) "The Republican People's Party and Türkiye's EU Membership", South European Society and Politics, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 423-434.

Ödül Celep (2011) "Social Alignments and Political Parties in Türkiye" [Alineament Social i Partits Polítics a Turquia] Nous Horitzons, No. 201, pp. 48-53.

Seda Demiralp (2010) "Can Money Make Us Friends? Islamic Financial Networks and the Chances for Democratization in the Muslim World," Journal of Middle East and Africa, 1:1, 120-138.

Ödül Celep and Volkan Aytar (2010)"Understanding Türkiye beyond Biases" [Capire la Turchia al di là dei Pregiudizi], Equilibri, No. 3, pp. 520-530.

Ödül Celep (2010) "Türkiye's Radical Right and the Kurdish Issue: The MHP's Reaction to the Democratic Opening", Insight Türkiye, 12(2), pp. 125-142.

Rabia Karakaya Polat (2009) "The 2007 Parliamentary Elections in Türkiye: Between Securitization and Desecuritization", Parliamentary Affairs, 62 (1), pp. 129-148.

Seda Demiralp (2009) "The Rise of Islamic Capital and the Decline of Islamic Radicalism in Türkiye," Comparative Politics, 41(3): 315-336.

Books and Book Chapters

Yüksel Alper Ecevit and Ödül Celep (2018) "Political Perceptions of Party Voters and Members in Türkiye", in Sabri Sayarı, Pelin Ayan and Özhan Demirkol (eds.), Party Politics in Türkiye: A Comparative Perspective, New York: Routledge, pp. 196-215.

Ödül Celep (2013) "The Republican People's Party and Türkiye's EU Membership", in Gamze Avcı and Ali Çarkoğlu (eds.), Türkiye and the EU: Accession and Reform, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 215-226.

Rabia Karakaya Polat and Mete Yıldız (2012) 'A Critical Assessment of E-Government Practice in Türkiye' in Mehmet Zahid Sobacı and Mete Yıldız E-Government: Recent Developments in Public Policy and Technology, Nobel Yayıncılık, pp. 423-447.

Rabia Karakaya Polat (2010) The Internet, Local Participation and Democracy: An Institutionalist Approach, Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing.

Rabia Karakaya Polat (2010) "How Far away from the Politics of Fear: Türkiye in the EU Accession Process" in Tunkrova, L. and Saradin P. (eds.) The Politics of EU Accession: Turkish Challenges and Central European Experiences, London: Routledge, pp. 58-71

Ödül Celep (2009) Extreme Right-wing Parties and Democracy: The Effects of Extreme Right-wing Parties on the Politics of Consolidated Democracies. Köln: Lambert Academic Publishing.

Rabia Karakaya Polat and Lawrence Pratchett (2009) 'e-Citizenship: Reconstructing the Public Online' in Durose C., Greasley, S. and Richardson, L. (eds), Changing Local Governance, Changing Citizens? Bristol: Policy Press.

Ödül Celep (2009) Aşırı Sağ ve Demokrasi. İstanbul: TASAM Yayınları.

Conference Proceedings

Vivien Lowndes and Rabia Karakaya Polat (2018) Investigating the spatial dynamics of refugee policy frames in Türkiye, Paper presented at the workshop "The framing of the 'migration crisis' cross-nationally: From problem definition to institutionalization (or not)", Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, 4-5 October.

Ödül Celep (2018) "The New Alignments of Turkish Politics with the Upcoming 2018 General/Presidential Elections", Euro-Asia Forum in Politics, Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Croatia, 2018.

Ödül Celep (2017) "A Contemporary Analysis of Intra-Party Democracy in Türkiye's Political Parties", SCOPE 2017: 4th International Interdisciplinary Conference of Political Research, University of Bucharest, Romania.

Ödül Celep (2017) "June/November 2015 Elections and Peoples' Democratic Party: An Opportunity Loss for Moderation and Democratization", Türkiye at Critical Crossroads Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.

Ödül Celep and Yüksel Alper Ecevit (2016) "The Political Perceptions of Party Voters and Members", Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois.

Demiralp, Seda. (2015) "The Rational Islamic Actor? Evidence from Islamic Banking," presented at the 2014 American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Meeting, 28-31 August, Washington DC.

Polat Karakaya, R. and Pusane Kayhan, Ö. (2015) "How the Internet Has Turned into a Domain for Civil-Military Power Struggle in Türkiye", Paper presented at the 73rd Midwest Political Studies Association Conference, April 16-19, Chicago.

Celep, Ödül. (2014) "Türkiye's Left-wing Problem", International Conference on Economic and Social Studies (ICESoS'14): Regional Economic Development, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Celep, Ödül. (2013) "Intra-party Autocracy of Türkiye's Party System", 4th International Conference on European Studies (ICES'13): Social, Economic and Political Transition of the Balkans, Tirana, Albania.

Celep, Ödül. (2013) "Kurdish Radical Left's Opposition to Türkiye's 'Conservative Democratic' Government's Politics, the 2000s", International Studies Association, San Francisco.

Kayhan Pusane, Özlem. (2013) "When Does Battlefield Success Mean Effective Counterinsurgency: Assessing the Effectiveness of Coercive Methods in Fighting Insurgencies" Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 11-14.

Polat Karakaya, R and Çağlı, E. (2013) "The Internet and Women's NGOs in Türkiye: The case of Ka-der", Paper presented at the 63rd Annual Conference of Political Studies Association, Cardiff, United Kingdom, April.

Polat Karakaya, R. and Pratchett, L. (2012) "Citizenship in the Age of the Internet: A Comparison of Liberal‐Individualist and Civic‐Republican Traditions", Paper presented at the Symposium on Globalization, New Inequalities and Citizenship, Marmara University, March.

Çağlı, Elif. (2011) "1930-1945 Arası Dönemde Türkiye'de Öjenik Beden ve Sağlık Politikalarında Kadınlığın Kurgulanışı", Siyasi İlimler Türk Derneği 9. Lisansüstü Konferansı, İstanbul, December.

Polat Karakaya, R. (2011) "Internet and the Transformation of the Concept of Citizenship", Paper presented at the 16th Internet Conference, Ege Üniversitesi, İzmir, December.

Polat Karakaya, R. (2011) "Digital Divide in Türkiye", Paper presented at the 28th Informatics Conference, Ankara, October.

Özlem Kayhan Pusane (2011) "A Longitudinal Analysis of Civil-Military Relations in Türkiye." International Political Science Association Armed Forces and Society Conference, Ankara, 17-19 June.

Ödül Celep (2011) "The Republican People's Party and Türkiye's EU Membership" Türkiye in International Relations Conference, Centre for Europe, University of Warsaw, Poland.

Rabia Karakaya Polat (2011) "The Implications of the Arab Spring for Turkish Foreign Policy in the Middle East", International Conference on "Iran, Türkiye and the Arab Spring: Foreign Policy towards Recent Developments in the Middle East", University of Tehran, Center for Graduate Studies, May.

Ödül Celep (2011) "The Republican People's Party and Türkiye's EU Membership" Political Studies Association, London, UK.

Rabia Karakaya Polat and Lawrence Pratchett (2011) "Electronic Citizenship in Britain and Türkiye: Rights, Responsibilities, Liberties", Paper presented at the 69th Annual National Conference of Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, March.

Ödül Celep (2011) "The Republican People's Party and Türkiye's EU Membership" Political Studies Association, London, UK.

Özlem Kayhan Pusane (2010) Does Battlefield Success Mean Effective Counterinsurgency? Türkiye's Military Victory Against the PKK and the Resolution of the Kurdish Question" Paper to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, April 22-25

Ödül Celep (2010) "The Political Consequences of Political Party Closures in Türkiye" World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies, Barcelona, Spain.

Polat Karakaya, R. and Pratchett, L. (2010) "Citizenship in the Age of the Internet: A Comparative Analysis of Britain and Türkiye", Paper presented at the 60th Annual Conference of Political Studies Association, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, April.

Seda Demiralp (2009) "Can Money Make Us Friends? Islamist Businessmen and Moderation of Islamist Politics in Türkiye, Indonesia, and Sudan," presented at the Annual 2009 ASMEA Conference, October 22-24, Washington DC.

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