Course Contents

Course Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
HUSS 1001 Introduction to Philosophy (3+0+0) 3 6
The meaning and definiton of philosophy. The fundamental issues, problems and theories in philosophy. Major philosophers in the history of philosophy. Philosophical theories developed on issues like knowledge, science, being, morality, politics, religion, language and art. The relationship between wisdom, knowledge, reality and justification. Rationalism, empiricism, emotivism, universalism, relativism, objectivism, subjectivism, scepticism. Problems of free will and determinism, alienation, freedom and justice.
HUSS1002 Ethics (1+0+0) 1 1
The basic theories in Ethics (the Philosophy of Morality). The practical implications of these theories in particular professions and areas such as engineering, medicine, pharmacology, genetics, technological innovation, artificial intelligence and robotology, management, marketing, international relations, public services, media and law. The meaning and significance of virtue and values. Moral principles within particular professions and their foundation in Ethics.
HUSS1101 History of Civilization I (3+0+0) 3 5
The transition from a hunting-gathering society to agricultural production and sedentary life. The main political, economic, scientific, philosophical, artistic and religious developments in the history of humanity from the beginning of the agricultural revolution until the medieval period. The ancient Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Indian, Chinese, Greek and Roman civilizations and their impact on later civilizations.
HUSS1102 History of Civilization II (3+0+0) 3 5
The increasing influence of Christianity and Islam during the Medieval period. The Renaissance as a reaction to Medieval culture. Scientific, philosophical, artistic developments during the Renaissance and Early Modern period. The age of the Enlightenment and the 1776 American, the 1789 French revolutions. The abolishment of monarchy, theocracy, feudalism; the emergence of the separation of powers, secularism, property rights. The 19th century industrial revolution, the 20th century technological revolution and the developing antagonism between capitalism and socialism.
HUSS1103 History of Modern Europe (3+0+0) 3 5
Social and economic world of the Enlightenment. French Revolution and Napoleonic legacy. Industrial Revolution. Rise of new ideologies and economic-political life from 1871-1914. Imperialism. World War I. Russian Revolution. Age of catastrophe. Europe in the interwar years. World War II. American century and Cold War. Collapse of Soviet Bloc.
HUSS1104 Science and Civilization (3+0+0) 3 5
The development of the sciences in the context of the history of civilization. Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Renaissance, Early Modern era, Modern era. The distinction between the natural sciences and the social sciences. The influence of the developments in the natural sciences on the emergence of the social sciences. The cultural, political and philosophical factors which enabled the developments in the sciences. Major scientists in the history of science: Thales, Anaximander, Anaximenes, Anaxagoras, Democritus, Aristotle, Hippocrates, Herodotus, Ptolemaeus, Aristarchus, Strabo, Galen, Machiavelli, Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Pasteur, Weber, Marx, Freud, Jung, Einstein.
HUSS1201 History of Literature (3+0+0) 3 5
The history and development of literature. The earliest examples of literature in ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, India and Ancient Greece. Literature during the Roman, Medieval, Renaissance, Enlightenment period and 19th century in Europe. Literature in Asia, Latin America, North America and Africa. Major figures in the history of literature such as Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, Goethe, Hugo, Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky.
HUSS1202 Mythology (3+0+0) 3 5
Introduction to Western and Eastern mythologies. The Meaning of: Mythos, Epos and Logos, Sumerian and Early Babylonian Myth: Origins and Gods: Mesopotamian Deities, Sumerian Myths, The Descent of Inanna, Babylonian and Egyptian Myths, Megaliths, Temples and Ceremonial Centers, Hebrew Stories, Greek Myths, Persians and Zoroastrianism, Roman Religion, The Birth of Christianity.
HUSS 1301 Communication, Technology and Society (3+0+0) 3 4
New communication technologies and the new challenges. How new methods of sending and receiving information are transforming the media and society. Internet; the fastest-growing communications technology. Effect of internet on society in general and the media. Environment and labor costs of information and communication technologies. Different perspectives on social media.
HUSS1302 Science, Technology and Society (3+0+0) 3 6
Overview of interactions science, technology and society; science - technology relations, and technology - environment relations. Public understanding of science. Scientific process and scientific method. Social sciences and medicine. Ethics in science, technology and engineering. Risk assessment and precautionary principle. Science and technology policies. Case studies related to science, technology and society relations.
HUSS2101 Human Development and Culture (3+0+0) 3 6
Social evolution. Types of societies: hunting and gathering, agricultural, industrial, post-industrial. Technological innovation, wealth, power, and inequality; Paradoxes of progress. Agricultural Revolution, Industrial Revolution, democratic revolutions. Development and freedom. Culture and social structure. Technological determinism and its critics. Human development in today's world. Information and communication technologies in developing societies. The future as history.
HUSS2102 Introduction to Sociology (3+0+0) 3 5
Sociological Method. Individual as the Sociological Unit of Analysis. Groups, Organizations and Society. Structures of Power and Inequality. Social Class, Gender, Race, Ethnicity. Global Inequality. Government and Political Power. Social Institutions: Work and Economy; Political Systems; Mass Media and Religion. Social change. Globalization. Functionalism. Conflict Theory. Symbolic Interactionalism.
HUSS2103 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3+0+0) 3 6
The central ideas, methods, and debates in the anthropological study of human thought and behavior. Survey of ways of life in many different societies. The ways anthropologists have tried to understand societies. Hands-on ethnographic research. Tools, techniques and approaches for research and analysis. Ethnocentrism. Cultural relativism.
HUSS2104 Eurasian Civilisation and Steppe Culture (3+0+0) 3 5
Major political, social, and cultural events and processes in Euroasia. Pastoral nomadism as a form of living. Ecological dynamics of the region with reference to the origins of the steppe-pastoral economics. Political structures of the nomadic societies. Social, political, economic and cultural relationship and linkages between nomadic and sedentary societies. Histories of the civilizations of Eurasian peoples such as the Scythians, the Huns, the Avars and the Mongols.
HUSS2105 Culture and Communication (3+0+0) 3 5
Different approaches to symbolic interactionism within perspectives of linguistic anthropology, sociology, and folklore. Introduction to ethnographic methodologies for the interpretation and analysis of verbal and nonverbal communication in different cultures. Rules, aesthetics and dynamics of verbal and nonverbal behavior in both face to face and mediated communication in social media and in other contexts.
HUSS2106 Popular Culture and the USA (3+0+0) 3 5
The meaning of 'popular'. A brief history of popular culture, its basic elements, characteristic features, paradigms, replication myth and the creation and influence of myths, themes and patterns. Analyses of examples from American cinema, TV shows and programs, music, art, sculpture, architecture; their language and style and presentations, their artistic and political interpretations.
HUSS2107 Community Involvement: Theory and Practice (3+0+0) 3 5
Introduction to issues in academically based community service. Practicum focused on the use of creative methods in tutoring and mentoring youth and children in local community and different parts of Türkiye. Study of the concepts of community, democratic citizenship, service, compassion, social justice, social change and leadership. Development of skills in creativity, critical thinking and research, public communication, problem solving and teamwork.
HUSS2201 History of Art (3+0+0) 3 6
The concept of art. The role of the visual arts. The history of art. Visual arts from the prehistoric through the modern era. The language of the visual arts: architecture, sculpture, painting. The Ancient World: Prehistoric, Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Greek and Roman Art. The Middle Ages: Early Christian, Byzantine, Romanesque and Gothic Art. Renaissance: Early and High Renaissance and Baroque Art. The Modern World: Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, Twentieth Century Art and Pop-Art.
HUSS2202 Cultural Origins of Theatre (3+0+0) 3 5
Introduction to 'Reading' Theatre. Cultural and social origins of theatre and performance. Origins of Western Theatre. Reading Oedipus Rex by Sophocles. Staging Oedipus Rex. Reading Antigone by Sophocles. Staging Antigone. Theatre and Power. Kabuki Theatre & Noh Theatre. Masks and Theatre: Commedia dell'arte. Traditional Shadow Theatre. Folk Art ve Political Theatre. Theatre of the Absurd. Reading and Staging Reality
HUSS2203 Modernization in Turkish Literature (3+0+0) 3 5
Westernization during the Ottoman and Republic period. First attempts of modernization. An evaluation of Islamism, Turkism and Westernism in the context of literature from the 19th century until today. Nationism / Kemalism, Populism, Humanism / Socialism and their reflection in literature. An evaluation of these reflections in texts of theater, novel, short story, poetry and newspaper articles.
HUSS2204 Creativity and Short Story Writing (3+0+0) 3 5
The concept of creativity through different genres of literature. Understanding creativity. The relations between literature works and other sort of artworks. Basic elements for fiction writing. Plot, setting, character, theme developing. Constructing different narratives. Creating fiction characters according to technical details. To develop short-story plot for various genres, such as modern literature, post-modern writing, science-fiction, etc.
HUSS2205 Humour in Modern Turkish Literature (3+0+0) 3 5
The birth of humour. Theories on humour. The functions of humour. The development of satire and humour in Turkish Literature. Humour magazines. Humour in Tanzimat, Servet-i Fünun and Fecr-i Ati literature. Humour in national literature period. Humour from the declaration of the republic to present. Examine this through the authors such as Hüseyin Rahmi Gürpınar, Neyzen Tevfik, Sabahattin Ali, Aziz Nesin, Rıfat Ilgaz, Muzaffer İzgü and Can Yücel. The effects of humour as social criticism.
HUSS2301 The Rise of Modern Science (3+0+0) 3 6
The main theoretical and methodological approaches to study the history of science. The central issues in the history of the physical sciences since the Renaissance; the Copernican Revolution, Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment. Social Darwinism and Eugenics. The Atomic theory and its implications. Theory of Relativity, and Quantum Theory. The Chemical Revolution. Scientific theories of the human mind.
HUSS3001 Ethics and Society (3+0+0) 3 5
The basic theories of philosophy of morality and political philosophy. The foundations of value judgements, actions and choices. The relationship of morality with reason and emotion. The problem of free will and determinism. Universalism, relativism, objectivism and subjectivism in Ethics. Normative theories in ethics: Eudaimonism, hedonism, utilitarianism, altruism, egoism. The capitalism-communism antagonism and theories of socialism. Issues in Applied Ethics such as suicide, euthanasia, abortion, genetic engineering, animal rights, environmental problems and armament. The theories of philosophers like Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Hume, Kant, Hegel, Proudhon, Nietzsche and Marx on morality and politics.
HUSS3002 Philosophy of Science (3+0+0) 3 5
The relationship between knowledge and science. The characteristics of scientific knowledge and theories. The problem of demarcation. The distinction between science and pseudo-science. Scientific method. Observation and experimentation. Models of scientific explanation. The principle of causality. Types of inferences: Induction and deduction. Truth, falsity and validity. The distinction between fact and fiction. Falsifiability, verifiability, empirical testability, cognitive meaning. Scientific revolutions and transformations. Theories of paradigm and progressive research programmes.
HUSS3003 Philosophy of Art (3+0+0) 3 5
The basic theories of the Philosophy of Art. The definition and structure of art. The foundations of aesthetic judgements. The relationship between aesthetic judgements with reason and emotion. The concepts of beauty and ugliness, order and chaos, harmony and disharmony. Universalism, relativism, objectivism and subjectivism in Aesthetics. The relationship between aesthetic judgements and the structure of the mind. The theories of philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, Hume, Kant, Hegel, Fichte, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche on art.
HUSS3004 Ethics, Science and Social Responsibility (3+0+0) 3 5
The concept of social responsibility and theories of ethics. Ethical and policy dimensions of scientific research .Individual and collective responsibility. Social responsibilities of scientists. Research ethics. Science and religion. Technology and human values. Computer ethics. Unethical practices in science and technology. Science and technology for the common good. Medical experimentation and ethical dilemmas. Experiments on humans and animals.
HUSS3101 Cultural Studies (3+0+0) 3 5
The development of cultural studies as an approach to read and understand culture. The production of meaning in culture. German Frankfurt School of Critical Theory, British Cultural Studies, American Cultural Studies. Structuralism, post-structuralism, postmodernism. Representations of gender, race, ethnicity, East and West. Orientalism. Narration of nation. Analysis of texts, advertising, newspapers, magazines, fashion, film and photography.
HUSS3102 Formations of Modernity (3+0+0) 3 5
A historical, sociological and philosophical analysis of the formation of modernity in the world. The Renaissance, Reformation and Enlightenment in Europe. Scientific, philosophical, artistic and political developments in Europe. The 1776 American and the 1789 French revolutions. Separation of powers, property rights, secularism, the freedom of expression and the press, parliamentary and constitutional systems. The abolishment of monarchy, theocracy and feudalism. The industrial revolution and the emergence of capitalism. The antagonism between capitalism and socialism. Socialist revolutions around the world. The debate between modernism and post-modernism.
HUSS3103 Sociology of Science and Technology (3+0+0) 3 5
Social construction of science and technology. Sociological aspects of science and technology. Ethnographic studies of scientific work. Ethical aspects of scientific and technological change. Technologies and everyday life. Scientific knowledge and scientific knowledge making. Scientific paradigms and boundaries of science. Lab studies. Science in a post-truth world. Technology, industry and labor relations.
HUSS3104 History of Civilization in Anatolia (3+0+0) 3 5
Civilizations from the Ancient period to the 19th century in Anatolia: Sumer, Assyria, Hittite, Urartu, Ancient Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Selchuk, Ottoman. Developments in science, art, philosophy, politics, social life, economy and religion. A comparative analysis of these civilisations. The causes of underdevelopment in regards to particular areas in some of these civilisations
HUSS3105 Anthropology of Consumption (3+0+0) 3 5
Approaches in anthropology to material culture and consumption. The ethnographic study of objects. The relationship between everyday objects (like clothing, cell phone and souvenirs) and rituals, practices, and social relations. Ethnographies and cultural descriptions of places (like shopping malls) and technological belongings (computer). Technology and design ethnography. Consumer behaviours from an anthropological perspective.
HUSS3107 Globalization and Cultural Identity (3+0+0) 3 5
The debates about the cultural consequences of globalization. The homogenizing versus crystallization of cultures in the face of global forces. The role of national cultural policies, international organizations and local communities in the protection of cultural heritage. Debates about authenticity, tradition, and hybridization as the consequences of cultural mingling.
HUSS3201 Interpreting Renaissance and Modern Art (3+0+0) 3 5
Interpret and analyze the major achievements in art and architecture for centuries, from early Renaissance art to modern art. Introduction of the "rebirth" of painting, sculpture and architecture in Italy and Europe before and after the Renaissance. Following the evolution of art for centuries, art movements such as Mannerism, Baroque, Rococo, Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism and the concept of modern art are analyzed and interpreted. The meanings and theories carried by the art works are studied in historical perspective in chronological order. Aesthetics, social/political/religious/cultural/economic/scientific developments and their effects are discussed by applying visual and contextual analyses.
HUSS3209 Literature and Cinema (3+0+0) 3 5
Units on the novel and film, theatre film, and poetry and film, explore issues pertaining to each medium as well as larger questions relating to adaptation,translation and interpretation. Analysis of primary texts. Examination of their adaptations. Adaptation of masterpieces in Russian cinema. Adaptations of classics such as Hamlet. Readings on writing styles and representative literary and film theorists and historians.
HUSS3210 Textual Analysis and Argumentation (3+0+0) 3 5
Development of arguments, reasonings and inferences through an analysis of texts. An analysis of a variety of texts in philosophy, the social sciences and literature. Inductive and deductive inferences. Validity, consistency and contradiction. Conclusions based on premises and justification. The relationship between analytical reasoning and creativity. Reading, understanding and interpreting a text. The significance of critical thinking.
HUSS3211 Public Speaking and Presentation (3+0+0) 3 5
Basic public speaking and communication theory. Criteria related to style, form, structure, development, delivery mode, context, purpose and environment for various types of speeches. Exercises for developing delivery techniques, including breathing, articulation, and vocal variety. Preparation and presentation skills through analysis of theory and through the practical experience of presenting as well as critical analysis of peer speeches and other public speaking events.
HUSS3212 Highlights of American Literature (3+0+0) 3 5
Highlights of American literature in chronological order. A brief look at the colonial times and first narratives. Transcendentalism and romanticism, American Renaissance, ideas of Emerson, Thoreau; study of sample works by Hawthorne, Edgar Alan Poe, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson; realism and naturalism and Mark Twain and T.Dreiser. Expressionism and E.O. Neill; modernism, Frost and others; post-modernism and Paul Auster.
HUSS3213 Literature Texts (3+0+0) 3 5
A comprehensive reading, study and analysis of a selected text in world literature. A selected text from one of the authors such as Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, Goethe, Hugo, Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Hemingway, Elliot, Emerson, Poe, Lawrence, Wilde, Orwell, Stendhal, Zola, Balzac, Flaubert, Gide, Mann, Hesse, Heine, Kafka, Camus, Sartre, Kazantzakis.
HUSS3214 Istanbul in Narratives (3+0+0) 3 5
Istanbul in narratives such as memoir, story, novel, history and poetry. Its natural characteristics, social life, cultural change. A study of its lost and living values. Examples from texts of authors such as Nedim, Ahmet Refik Sevengil, Abdülhak Şinasi Hisar, Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar, Sait Faik Abasıyanık, Orhan Veli Kanık, Haldun Taner, Salah Birsel and Selim İleri.
HUSS3215 Science, Technology and Contemporary Arts (3+0+0) 3 5
Questioning the distinction between science and arts. The use of science and technology in contemporary arts. Analyses of some key concepts such as democracy, freedom and objectivity/subjectivity through contemporary art works. Critically comparing the methods of science, technology and contemporary arts. The changing relationships between the arts, science, and technology. Current trends that are shaping new connections between art, technology, and science.
HUSS3301 History of Science and Technology (3+0+0) 3 5
The development of science and technology from the Enlightenment to the present. The Industrial Revolution, and the emergence of engineering. Industry, time and clocks. Interdependency of science and technology. The development of medical sciences, biotechnologies and information technologies. . Technology and militarism. Technology and environmental change. Science and technology in the Ottoman Empire and in Türkiye in the context of global developments.
HUSS3302 Technological Change, Popular Culture and Media (3+0+0) 3 5
The relation between technological change and cultural change. Feminist reading of development of technology. Visual technologies and mechanical reproduction. Relation between the developments of technology, mass media, mass society and popular culture. Cultural relations involving new media, such as the internet and other digital information technologies. Identification of basic patterns of social and technological changes involving 'new media'. The new possibilities for personal expression and political participation.
HUSS3304 Creative Thinking Techniques (3+0+0) 3 5
Concepts of technology, industrialization, development, progress. Technology from different perspectives. Technology in the neoclassical economic theory, Industrialization in the USSR and planification. Dependency School and technological dependence, appropriate technology approach, technology in the labour process theory. Historical Overview: Taylorism, Fordism, emergence of post-Fordist production systems and flexible specialization, Japanese production system. National Innovation Systems and technology policies.
HUSS3305 Perspectives on Science, Technology and Society Relations (3+0+0) 3 5
Theories of science and technology in society. Case studies of science and technology. Scientific Revolution and its critiques. Positivism and post-positivism. Theories of invention and innovation. Technological Determinism. Social Constructionism; society shaping science and technology. Interaction between science, technology and society. Popular representations of science and technology. Design and society: user centered design.
HUSS3307 Environment, Technology and Society (3+0+0) 3 5
Basic elements and principles of environmental quality. Concept of ecosystem. Resources, mineral cycles in living systems. Population, food and hunger; energy and environment. Effects of human activities on health and environment. Waste and disease. Water pollution, water pollutants and control. Air pollution, local and global problems. Solid wastes and management. Land use and misuse. Technology and environment. Industrial pollution, waste minimization, hazardous substances and wastes. Societal and ethical problems.
HUSS3308 Human Dimensions of Biotechnologies (3+0+0) 3 5
Recent developments in biotechnology. Human genome project and its social, cultural, ethical, legal implications. Cloning. Genetic testing and counselling. Embryonic stem cell research. Genetically modified foods. Gene therapy. Predicted and personalized medicine. Neuroethics and its applications. Assisted reproductive technologies and kinship relations. Environmental biotechnologies. Political economy of organ transplants. Historical development and current implementation of clinical trials.
HUSS3309 Ethics and Biotechnology (3+0+0) 3 5
Principles of bioethics. Developments in biotechnology and their ethical impacts. Effects of biotechnological developments on environment, industry, agriculture and medicine. Ethical issues regarding genetic testing and counselling, human cloning. Commercialisation and patenting. Biotechnology and genetic engineering in historical, social, political, and ethical contexts. Metaethics and professional ethics. Ethical issues regarding research on animals.
HUSS4001 Philosophy and Film (3+0+0) 3 5
The relationship between philosophy and film. Philosophical ideas and themes in film, cinema and movies. An analysis of philosophical topics such as being, existence, reality, meaning, perception, understanding, morality, reason, emotion, free will, determinism and alienation through the movies of directors such as Ingmar Bergman, Federico Fellini, Roberto Rossellini, Derek Jarman, Woody Allen, Louis Malle, Andrei Tarkovsky, Wim Wenders, Stanley Kubrick, Lars von Trier.
HUSS4002 Philosophy of Religion (3+0+0) 3 5
A philosophical and analytical approach on issues within the monotheistic religions; Judaism, Christianity and Islam. An analysis of the theories of philosophers on the existence and attributes of God; the immortality of the soul, the world beyond, revelation, prophecy, miracles, faith and religious morality. An evaluation of Theism, Deism, Fideism, Pantheism, Ateism and Agnosticism.
HUSS4101 Cultural Memory (3+0+0) 3 5
The construction of collective and national memories. Commemoration and ritual. Approaches to the individual, social and national construction of the past. How societies construct cultural continuity through rituals and commemorative activities such as national holidays. Historical consciousness and the creation of a shared past. Monuments as sites of memory. The role of oral history in constructing alternative interpretations of the past.
HUSS4102 City and Culture: Istanbul (3+0+0) 3 5
From the Greek colony of Byzantium to the capital of Ottoman Empire. The "Polis" under the rule of Byzantium. Roman emperors and dynasties of Eastern Roman Empire. Ottoman Sultans and their legacy. Westernization era of the city. Istanbul of modern Türkiye. Cultural heritage of the city. Visits to the monuments of the related historic periods.
HUSS4202 Popular Music: A Reflection of Politics and Society (3+0+0) 3 5
The basics of music. Definitions of popular music. The concept of social movement. Tango and the World politics. The Blues in 1920s and 1930s. Jazz age. Rock and Roll and the World politics. The Beatles as a phenomenon. Nueva Cancion in Latin America. Music and Politics in South Africa. Umm Kult'hum and the politics of Middle East. Pink Floyd and the world politics. Reggae music and Bob Marley. The rise of Rap-Hip-hop.
HUSS4301 Information Technology and Social Life (3+0+0) 3 5
History of Information Communication Technologies (ICT). Concepts of Information Society, Knowledge Society, Network Society. Cultures of the internet. ICTs and economic development. Privacy issues. Computer games and self-identity. Internet and political participation. ICTs and education. Inequality and ICTs. "Digital Divide". Information technologies and the media. Information technologies and politics. Information technologies and environmental problems.
HUSS4302 Technology and Development (3+0+0) 3 5
Concepts of technology, industrialization, development, progress. Technology from different perspectives. Technology in the neoclassical economic theory, Industrialization in the USSR and planification. Dependency School and technological dependence, appropriate technology approach, technology in the labour process theory. Historical Overview: Taylorism, Fordism, emergence of post-Fordist production systems and flexible specialization, Japanese production system. National Innovation Systems and technology policies.
HUSS4305 Strategic Management of Technology (3+0+0) 3 5
Process of technological change: Innovation and diffusion. Technological environment. Competitiveness; securing competitive advantage of firms. Technology intelligence. Mechanisms of data collection. Technology - business connection. Putting technology into corporate planning. The key principles of technology strategy. Design and evolution of technology strategy. Technological collaborations. Current issues and developments in technology and business relations.
HUSS4808 Special Topics: History of Women's Movements in the World and in Türkiye (3+0+0) 3 5
Women's rights movements since the beginning of the 19th century. Universal and local issues in women's movements; different contexts, different feminisms. Reflections of wars (World War I and World War II) on women's movements: nationalism, internationalism, imperialism and pacifism in the context of women's movements. Women's movements in Europe, U.S.A., Middle East, Ottoman Empire and Türkiye.
HUSS4809 Special Topics: Introduction to Feminism (3+0+0) 3 5
Feminism as theory and as political movement. Historical development of feminist politics. Different theories and approaches in feminist thinking. Important names and texts in feminist studies. Introduction to philosophical, historical, economic, political, cultural and sexual issues from feminist perspective. Diversity of women's conditions and experiences across class, racial, and ethnic identities. Intersectionality.
HUSS4810 Special Topics: Female Writers on Turkish Literature (3+0+0) 3 5
The history of women's right in the World. The history of women's right in Türkiye. Liberal feminists, Marxist feminists and radical feminists. Female Writers from 19th century to the present day, the social conditions of their upbringing and their struggles. The way woman found their place in society, business and education. The contributions of female writers to the acquisition and protection of women's rights and the reflections of these in their works. A summary of the subject matter, content and styles of women writers.
HUSS4811 History of Russia (3+0+0)
The roots of Russian culture. The different ethnic groups and cultures in Russia. The establishment of the Russian Empire and Russia during the Tsarist regime. 19th century Russian literature and music. The 1917 October Revolution and the establishment of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The developments in the areas of culture, art, literature, education, health, science and technology during the USSR era. The USSR, the 2nd World War and the Cold War. The downfall of the USSR. The political, social and economic events in the Russian Federation.
HUSS4812 Innovation Management (3+0+0) 5 5
Types of innovation: Product innovations, process innovations, marketing innovations, organizational innovations. Value of innovations for individuals, firms and nations. Building innovative organization. Developing innovation strategy. Sources of innovations. Innovation networks. Creating new products and services. Open innovation. Capturing benefits of innovation.
HUSS4814 From Creativity to Entrepreneurship (3+0+0) 5 5
Definition of creativity. Creative thinking. Methods used for creative thinking. Transforming creativity into entrepreneurship. Definition of entrepreneurship. The myths and facts about entrepreneurs; common individual characteristics. Assessment of macro environment, recognizing opportunities and generating ideas. Assessment of resources, competencies, strengths and weaknesses. Developing a business plan. Financing the venture. Analysis of financial viability. Ethical and legal foundations. Marketing plan. Management of risks and uncertainty. Barriers for entrepreneurs.
HUSS4815 Special Topics: Gender, Science and Technology (3+0+0) 3 5
Introduction to gender, science and technology. Gendering science. Female scientists. Scientific discourses on gender differences, human reproduction, race and gender relations. Reproductive technologies and gender relations. Biomedical technologies and masculinity. Relations between sexuality, science and technology. Cyborg feminism. Domestic Technologies and femininity. Workplace technologies and masculinity. Performing gender on the internet.
HUSS4816 Biography (3+0+0) 3 5
Biography. The narration of different people via their achievements and works and their differences. The history and development of biography in the East and the West. Its development in Antiquity, the Medieval Age, the Christian and Islamic worlds, the Turkish world in Ottoman literature of the 19th and 20th centuries and in the Republican period. Their different types according to its content such as private, general, universal, regional, professional, periodical. Their different types according to the modes of expression, such as monographic-biographic novels. A discussion of these from selected works of Turkish culture and literature.
HUSS4901 Project (3+0+0) 4 10
Conducting a detailed research on a particular topic related to Humanities and Social Sciences (Philosophy, Sociology, History, Art, Literature, Science and Technology etc) and writing a report on this topic. Developing the ability of research, reading, writing, presenting, analytical and creative thinking, argumentation, inference and justification. Contributing to interdisciplinary research and perspectives through the report and thesis.

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