Rules, Processes and Procedures

Rules, Processes and Procedures

Administrative Issues


A1.Student Petitions
A2.Deferring Enrollment     
A3.Student Guide                           
A4.Informing Incoming Students    
A5.Campus Online 
A7.Registration Process(lectures)              
A8.Registration Process (holds)
A9.Student Representative    
A10.Preparation of Class-rooms    
A11.Registration Updates    
A12.Grade Change    
A13.Following Students' Performance
A14.Academic Assessment
A15.Advisor Questionnaire    
A16.Work Scholarships
A17.The Results of OSS Exam    
A18.Institutional Quality Assessment
A19.Web Policy
A20.Exchange-Internship Programs    
A22.Distribution of Senate and Board Minutes    
A23.Starting and leaving staff    
A25.Class-room charts    
A26.Problems in the facility    
A27.Health Center    
A28.Students without financial hold but not registered 
B9.Announcement of Advi

B. Academic Issues


 B1.Assignments (Conferences,.. )
 B2.Submission of Assignment Expenses 
 B3.Purchases under SRP 
 B4.Termination of  SRP projects 
 B5.Policy on Computers and Printers 
 B6.Research Assistants 
 B7.Opening Classes - Changing Curriculum 
 B8.Appointment and Promotion Processes 
 B9.Announcement of Advisors    
 B10.Student Centered Education 
 B11.Transfer Students    
 B12.FT Recruit of Instructors 
 B13.PT Recruit of Instructors 
 B14.Meetings with Students 
 B15.Student Questionnaires    
 B16.Booking classrooms      
 B17.Booking Larger Areas    
 B18.Regulations for Accommodation    
 B19.Ready-to-Use Forms    
 A12.Grade Change    
 A14.Academic Assessment    
 A15.Advisor Questionnaire    
 B20.E-mail groups







 A1. Student Petitions 
The Schematic Information Guide about the Registrar's Office is available for review on the Web page; also, it is announced to the students via e-mail on the first week of semester. The faculty the student affiliated with informs the student the result of the petition that s/he gives. In cases where a petition is given to the President's Office about financial or special occasions, the decisions of  the Executive Board (UEB) are sent from Secretary General's Office to the Registrar's Office with a copy issued to the student by the Registrar's Office. If no address has been provided on the petition, feedback is sent via the e-mail address registered in the Campus Online.
Latest Update: Senate, 12.02.2009

 A2. Deferring Enrollment 
Decisions of deferring enrollment are sent to the Financial Affairs by the faculty secretary in writing; another copy is issued to the Registrar's Office and to the Accommodation Office. In this notice, the student's name, surname, the semester or year that s/he has deferred, whether the time s/he is away will be taken off or not and the deadline for the payment are stated. The list of students that have deferred or quit is prepared in detail by the Registrar's Office and sent to the Accommodation Office and EFL every month.
Latest Update: Senate, 12.02.2009

 A3. Preparation, printing and distribution of Student Guide 
For the Student Guide, academic information, regulations, and guidelines are gathered by the Registrar's Office, and information about and pictures of the administrative departments are gathered by Public Relations Office on the dates indicated on the academic calendar. Public Relations Office follows the printing procedures and delivers the printed copies to the Registrar's Office on the last week of August. These guides are disseminated to students during registration, orientation days or along with the ID cards.
Latest Update: Senate, 12.02.2009

 A4. Informing Incoming Students 
Basic information is provided during the opening ceremony. On the day of the first English test, the orientation of Campus Online registration system and the presentation of the Registrar's Office are provided. The orientation carried out in faculties during the first week aims to introduce the departments. The Preparatory Program orientation is scheduled for the first day of class and the Dormitory orientation is provided the next evening.
Latest Update: Senate, 12.02.2009 

 A5. Listing the courses scheduled to be opened in the following semester on Campus Online - Every semester, courses of the following semester are entered into the Campus Online (CoL) system by departments (under the responsibility of heads of departments) before the deadline stated on the Academic Calendar. To help determine the estimated number of students, student numbers and list of courses of previous years are sent to departments by the Registrar's Office. The number of courses to be opened are approved by the University Executive Board (UEB) and announced in an official document. All subsequent changes in lectures and names of lecturers are sent for approval of the Executive Board (UEB).
Latest Update: Senate, 12.02.2009

 A6. Library : When the semestre schedule is approved by the Executive Board (UEB) and when the lecturer provides information on the book, two copies of the main textbook for each course are purchased by the library. The books are available in the reserved section of the library throughout the semester.
Latest Update: Senate, 12.02.2009  

 A7. Registration Process (lectures):  Weekly course schedules are finalized two weeks before the registrations; students are informed about the registration process in time. Following the registration, the head of the Registrar's Office and the administration of CoL hold a meeting to discuss the problems that occurred during the registration process.
Latest Update: Senate, 12.02.2009

 A8. Registration Process (holds):  Notification of a "Hold" message on the student's name- "a Hold is put, look into it" is sent from Campus Online (web mail) as e-mail. When "hold" is taken away, the message disappears. The Hold is classified as library or dormitory debt, semester fee, the preceding semester fee and it's stated in the message. Library or dormitory debt doesn't prevent for course registering, but a student cannot receive a diploma before the payment of his/her debts.
Latest Update: Senate, 12.02.2009

 A9. Student Representative:  With the start of the semester in October, the students dean and partners organize events to introduce the canditates for student council and bring color to representative elections.
Latest Update: Senate, 12.02.2009

A10. Preparation of Classes:   The equipment in classrooms is checked before the semester starts. Data-show devices, curtains, computers, electrical hardware, hangers, board, desks, heating system and all physical facilities related to teaching paraphernalia are checked by support services and reported to the Secretary General.
It is the responsibility of the cleaning unit to ensure that classrooms  are clean and ready for class and the boards wiped with water, alcohol or other similar chemicals. The lecturer is expected to leave the board clean following the lecture.
Latest Update: Senate, 12.02.2009

 A11. Registration Updates:   The information about how and with the approval of whom the Registrar's Office is going to record the procedures is shown in the table below. 
Latest Update: Senate, 12.02.2009

 A12. Grade Change:  Grade change is made through the decision made by the Faculty Executive Board (FEB) of the faculty listing the course (not through the decision of the lecturer or student!), and after the board decision, the faculty informs the faculty the student belongs to, the decision is announced to the student and to the Registrar's Office.
Latest Update: Senate, 12.02.2009

 A13. Following Students' Performance:  In November or December, a meeting is held for the parents of the incoming students and ideas are exchanged. At the end of the semester a one-on-one interview, under the responsibility of the Department Heads, is carried out on a departmental basis with the unsuccessful freshman students. Details are in Guide 13.
In addition, in case families would like to learn about the grades of their children, a notification letter stating that the parents can also log on to Campus Online system with their children is sent to the mail addresses of all students. Also, transcript information of the students whose CGPA is under 1.50 is primarily delivered to parents (in June). Faculties are advised to send a congratulatory message the parents of each successful student.
Latest Update: Senate, 12.02.2009

 A14. Academic Assessment:  The academic activities (number of courses opened, number of students, part/full time lecturers, class size, averages, number of compulsory/ optional subjects, etc.) of the previous year (concerning fall, spring and summer period) are discussed in the Senate in June. The discussion of these issues in the department/ faculty council (through the initiative of the dean) previously helps to provide infrastructure for the senate discussion.
Latest Update: Senate, 12.02.2009

 A15. Advisor Questionnaire:  The questionnaire where students assess advisors is applied in March every year, details are in Guide 13.
Latest Update: Senate, 12.02.2009

 A16. Work Scholarships:  Except for the need-based working scholarship, the applications for the opportunities of dormitory assistantship, department assistantship and advertising assistantship are directed by the offices responsible for the assigning, which then give the names of the selected candidates to the scholarship committee. The number of these assistantships along with the work scholarship budget for the following school year is determined by the Executive Board (UEB) at the end of May.
Latest Update: Senate, 12.02.2009

 A17. The Results of OSS (Centralized University Entrance) Exam  are assessed by the faculties (by comparing with the close competitors, observing the change within years) between September and December.
Latest Update: Senate, 12.02.2009

 A18. Institutional Quality Assessment:  The indicators (activity report) from previous year are collected in January-February period and announced on the web after the confirmation of the Executive Board (UEB).
Latest Update: Senate, 12.02.2009

 A19. Web Policy:  The web page is perceived as the mirror of the departments. It must include correct, updated, relevant and easily accessible information. Content must not differ in Turkish and English. Problems here can damage the image of the university.
The person responsible for the web in a department is in charge of updating the department page. The arrangements about the starting and leaving staff have to be made in two weeks. The pages including the advertising information such as candidates, FAQ, prices, scholarships are under the responsibility of the Web Commission. Updating of this information is checked on a daily basis in May, June, and July. Every September, student guide/ handbook by Public Relations, price information by Financial Affairs, list of advisors and changes in regulations by the Registrar's Office are entered onto the web.
Latest Update: Senate, 12.02.2009

 A20. Exchange-Internship Programs:  On every department's web page, there's a section which has standardized information on the Erasmus Exchange Program. Every department prepares a brochure/leaflet/web advertisement in English and revises these every year.
Departments primarily increase the number of programs available for student exchange. To do so, they apply to universities that may become partners, use various contact opportunities and get support from the EU Coordinator. Students wishing to atloud a University abroad in the Erasmus framework must apply to the "" EU Erasmnus office in October for the spring term and in March for the Fall term.
IAESTE/AIESEC mobility is encouraged. Information about these programs is announced to students proactively at the beginning of the semesters. 
Latest Update: Senate, 12.02.2009

 A21. Job Description of Committees  along with the members are announced on the web. Meeting minutes of every commission can be accessed through the web.
Latest Update: Senate, 12.02.2009

 A22. Distribution of Senate and Executive Board (UEB) Minutes:  Senate and University Executive Board (UEB) minutes are prepared and submitted for member feedback in an electronic environment. Change suggestions are discussed and confirmed by the members in the following meeting. Following the confirmation, it is distributed to the related departments and published on the web page.
Latest Update: Senate, 12.02.2009   

 A23. For the ones who start and leave work,  the personnel department gives information in an electronic environment to the Data Processing Department (computer, e-mail account, address, guide) the Department of Support Services (office location, equipment, transport), the Library (Books and other material), Financial Affairs (payment), Public Relations (register/unregister), SKS (sports equipment and food card), Faculty Administrative Secretary (updating the web). Also, it gives information to Registrar's Office for necessary updating on campus online. .
Upon quitting, lecturers have to close their scientific research projects (SRP), return library books and contact the Personnel, Financial Affairs and the related faculty.
Latest Update: Senate, 12.02.2009

A24. Keeping the catalogue updated : The catalogue on the web page is updated every July. The responsibility belongs to the Vice President.
Latest Update: Senate, 12.02.2009

A25. Putting up the class chart:  Information on classroom schedules until the end of Add-drop is posted outside the classroom. The Registrar's Office prepares these tables.
Latest Update: Senate, 12.02.2009  

A26. Problems in the facility  (such as heating system breakdown) are reported to department of support services/construction affairs through the faculty secretary. If no result is obtained or the problem recurs, the Dean office or, if necessary, the President's Office are informed.
Latest Update: Senate, 12.02.2009  

A27. In the Health Center , doctor, nurse and ambulance service are available 24 hours everyday. 5555 or 8888 can be called for help in case of emergency.
The first stage treatments are done in the Health Center (all kinds of services like injections, dressing, serum, stitching, blood pressure checking, stomach irrigation and equipment like laryngoscope, injection and dressing, etc). In cases where a general hospital is necessary, the ambulance takes the patient to the hospital.
Latest Update: Senate, 12.02.2009  

A28. Students without financial hold who are not registered : Students who have paid their tuition fees but have not registered will be automatically registered to one course (min. course load) and informed of the situation.
Latest Update: Uni.Board 181 , 8.10.2009   

 B1. Assignments (conferences, associate professorship) : Conference assignments and reimbursements can be requested if Isık University is given as the address. In cases where the presented paper takes place in a respectable scientific conference and is subject to peer review evaluation and is supported with a related FEB decision the assignment is supported with the maximum expenditure budget in the Executive Board (UEB) meeting. 2008 Budgetary assignment limit for Europe is USD1500, and USD2000 for the USA and other overseas countries. The limit for domestic assignments is TL 750 (in case a private vehicle is used, payment is made if a km X 0.25 TL X 2 provided invoice is presented). During the assignment it is mandatory to give information about class make ups.
(UEB) Assignment decision goes to faculty secretariat. Faculty delivers the decision to the lecturer. The Executive Board (UEB) decision is attached to the request form and sent to the Financial Affairs.

For the conferences taking place in the city, attendance fee is paid but road expense isn't.
Doctorate students are supported within possibilities and as long as they present the papers that include their thesis work.

The Executive Board (UEB) may support the travel expenses that are a part of academic events.
For associate professorship and jury assignments from President's Office, Executive Board (UEB) decisions are not necessary.
Latest Update: Senate, 12.02.2009  

B2.Submission of Assignment Expenses:  All expenses must be certified. For online reservations like or and for credit card payments, a document showing the check-in check-out dates and bank statements (proving the payment made) shall be presented.
The person to travel fills in the related form and, with the approval of the Dean, applies to the Finance Department. Receipts should be issued on behalf of Isik University. Details are availab;e on the Finance Department's website. For foreign receipts, university's tax-number is not necessary. Flight tickets must be economy class and boarding stubs with passport stamps must be kept for documentation purposes.
Updated: Senate, 12.02.2009  

 B3. Purchases under SRP (Scientific Research Projects): 
Following the Board of Trustees' approval, the vice-president sends copies of project contract to the Head of Finance Department and Internal Auditing Department (for the purpose of fund control). For purchases made within the project layout, written requests made to the President's Office should be also sent to the Internal Auditing Department for their confirmation of the project budget. Internal Auditing Department sends this application to the President's Office for approval. Unless there is a request for time extension before the project's due date, or, the time extension is rejected the remaining budget for the project becomes unusable.
Updated: Senate, 12.02.2009

 B4. In order to terminate SRP project , a final report is presented (the sample can be found on the web), and the expenditure of fund is listed in details. The approval of the final report and the finalization of the project are performed by SRP commission and added to (UEB) the Executive Board notes. Time extension applications for the projects that are not finalized by due date are given to the SRP commission providing their grounds; and UEB confirms their enactment.  A summary of Scientific Research Projects can be found on the web.
Updated: Senate, 12.02.2009

 B5. Policy on Computers and Printers 
Given below.

Updated: Exec. Board. 4.02.2010

 B6. Research Assistants:  
Regarding the recruitment of research assistants, within TUBITAK projects framework and according to TUBITAK project contracts, there are no additional restrictions.

Updated: Senate, 12.02.2009


 B7. Opening Classes - Changing Curriculum:  Principles arranging the structure of the curriculum are stated on the web ('08-'09 Curriculum Structure Section). Complying with this structure, suggestions from Department Board and Faculty Board (along with suggestions from other related faculty departments) come into force after they are made to the Senate Education Programs commission and approved. Necessary changes to the program can, at the earliest, be applied in the following semester.

The content of 'special topics' subject are defined by the Executive Board of Faculty, and with the subject name and course code, it is submitted to the UEB for its approval.

Double Major (DM) programs are subject to the Senate's approval; for Minor Major (MM) programs, only their definition and their credit amounts are approved by the Senate.

Updated: Senate, 12.02.2009


 B8. Appointment and Promotion Processes:  They can be found on the web > academic > academic information. They are also approved by and be found on the website of YÖK (Turkish Council of Higher Education).

Updated: Senate, 12.02.2009


 B9. Announcement of Advisors:  At least one (1) week in advance of registration period, and to prevent any possible ambiguity whatsoever, all academic advisors and quota administrators are announced on the web and CoL system, and this task is performed by the Registrar's Office affairs and supervised by the deanship.

Updated: Senate, 12.02.2009


 B10. Student Centered Education:  Code 13 (the code for the reinforcement of the student centered approach) is checked every September, amended if necessary, and the latest up-to-date form of the code is delivered to all department heads and advisors by the President's Office. It is used at the briefing attended by academic advisors on the assigned date on the academic calendar.

Updated: Senate, 12.02.2009


 B11. Transfer Students:  The subjects typed "Intro. /orientation to profession" with 1xx (e.g. ENGG100) are not given to the students transferring to the second or a higher class. They are asked to take an optional subject instead.

Updated: Senate, 12.02.2009


 B12. FT Recruit of Instructors:  They are given the website address of 'compliance' manual book by Department Heads.
The relevant commission makes necessary amendments every September.

Updated: Senate, 12.02.2009


 B13. PT Recruit of Instructors:  Newly commencing PT instructors are oriented on policies and procedures prior to semester start. Syllabus, textbook, academic regulations, and expectations from them are explained to them. They are reminded to instruct fully in English. They are guided on the existence of Code 13, Manual Book for Quality, and Strategical Plan terms and how to obtain their content. They are informed about the execution of procedures and timing of works and realization. Issues on the regulations of the library and returning books are stressed. This is the duty of the department heads. The department heads are also responsible for the necessary follow-up on the issue of required cards, IDs, and CoL system password for the newly commencing PT instructors. But it is the duty of the faculty secretary to inform the newly commencing PT instructors on the required documents such as a photocopy of ID Card, resume, introductory information form for instructors, minimum subsistence allowance form, a photo, opening a bank account for salary before the beginning of a semester. Yet, it is still possible to enter CoL system.

Regarding any delays in returning the material borrowed from the library and payment of fine for them, Library Board sends a reminder (e-mail) to newly commencing PT instructors both at the end of semester and on the last day of final exams.

Updated: Senate, 12.02.2009


 B14. Meetings with Students:  Every semester at the end of the first month, department heads separately organize a meeting with the freshman students of their department. Relevant regulations are included in Code 13. In order to prevent 'negligence' of these meetings, a certain period is allocated on the academic calendar.

For the families of freshman, a meeting is held either in November or December each year to exchange ideas.

It is the duty of Department Heads to organize one-to-one meetings with unsuccessful freshman students in their departments at the end of the first semester. All relevant information can be found in Code 13.

Updated: Senate, 12.02.2009


 B.15. Student Questionnaires(Course Evaluation Surveys):  Department Heads ensure that subject syllabi refer to student evaluations, state their date and instructors remind their students of them towards the end of semesters. It is especially necessary to warn PT instructors and create a healthy feedback environment. All surveys are handed to the Registrar's Office on the very same date they are conducted. The results of those surveys are reported to instructors after students' final grades are submitted. Also, all results pertaining to the department are provided to the Department Heads, all faculty results are given to the Dean, and all department and faculty results are given to the President's Office. In the following term, at a meeting with the presence of student representatives, the feedback from the survey results are evaluated. Messages of students' feedback and agreed amendments/changes in accordance with them are reported to the dean/institution administration in written form; then put into the annual report. Deans unite those reports in one form and, adding their own evaluations, send them to the President's Office.

Updated: Senate, 12.02.2009

 B16.Booking classrooms  ( for exams, meetings, seminars, etc) Done via Registrar's Office. Reservation of DMF-114 and LMF-117 is, however, through  Public Relations office, using the relevant forms.
Updated: Senate, 12.02.2009

 B17. Booking Larger Areas:  (cinema, leisure, sports areas, conference, Maslak conference hall, etc.) Done via Public Relations office. The relevant form is filled in.

Updated: Senate, 12.02.2009

 B18. Regulations for Accommodation:  Information available on the web. (
Reservations for the guesthouses are done via the form on the website and phone ext.5017, or at misafirhane.html (We have 3 rooms on the main campus / university center and 5 rooms at YY2 dormitory.)

Updated: Senate, 12.02.2009


 B19. Ready-to-Use Forms:  Under the heading of Forms link on our website, there is a variety of forms ready-to-use. Annual leave, advance payment request, severance, travel fees, lodging, purchase request, library request, forms for guesthouse and others can be obtained at the web. Until all of the workflow becomes electronically realized, these forms are used in printed form.

Updated: Senate, 12.02.2009


TO THE OFFICE of DATA PROCESSING; I work at the office of ……………………. , Isik University. I kindly request from you to open a personal website at , and send me the necessary FTP details at …… as an e-mail.

TO THE OFFICE of DATA PROCESSING; in accordance with the details given above, I kindly request from you to open a mailbox on behalf of MR./MS./MRS. …..…………… , who started working at our office on ……………… ; and send me the necessary information at …………… Thank you.

B20. Various faculty, student  e-mail groups  exist alongside 'akademik' and 'isikall'. University-wide e-mail groups are updated by the Human Resources Office, faculty specific ones by the relevant faculty secretary and students' mail groups by the Registrar, all through the cooperation of the Computer Center.
Updated: Senate, 28.05.2009

A11.Kayıt düzeltmeleri:

Information About How and with the Approval of Whom the Registrar's Office is
Going to Record Registration Updates is Shown in the Table Below

Written Statement by Faculty Member

Approval Dean/Director

Approval FEB/IEB

of UEB

Report of grades not entered to the system


F exam right according to regulatioıis article 31


Grade of exam given according to article 31



DD/DC exam right given according to Senate rules




Grade of exam given according to senate rules



Registration to courses Beyond the max. Period




Correction of mistakes in transcript


Course equivalence or substitution decisions


Withdrawal from Minor or Double Major program


Course registrations wrt Senate rules/ decisions


Late registration without extra 10% charge


Registrations beyond the Iate registration period


Additional time permission in the Graduate Schools



Deferment until withdrawal date(counted to total max. time)


Deferment until withdrawal date
( not counted to total max. time)



Deferment beyond withdrawal date (not counted to total max. time)



FEB= Faculty Executive Board
IEB= Institute ( Graduate School) Executive Board
UEB= University Executive Board

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